Morning rush hour. After finishing the housework, leaving the child at school on the way to the office, then she wants to do this work, then the cycle of thinking that this is work will start and she will step out of the house. She turned around, cleaned father-in-law's glasses, but that's what happened - the boy got a late mark in school and she got a late mark in the office. She didn't like her father-in-law's remarks while leaving the house. On the one hand, she also felt that her father-in-law, who could not even get down from the bed, was not holding her. Throughout the day, he would tell her one or two small and big things, without any harassment or in-laws. The work used to be small, but the office would be late. She settled the matter by talking to her husband, getting up five minutes early every day, wiping his glasses and cleaning them before her father-in-law told her. But for some reason or another, the father-in-law did not stop telling his daughter-in-law...